Laser dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry

Prosthodontic dentistry

Endodontic dentistry

Implant dentistry

Orthodontic dentistry

Paediatric dentistry

Maxillofacial dentistry

Periodontal dentistry

Kloof Dentist Treatments

Implant dentistry

Laser dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry

Prosthodontic dentistry

Endodontic dentistry

Orthodontic dentistry

Paediatric dentistry

Maxillofacial dentistry

Periodontal dentistry

Orthodontic Dentistry

The straightening of teeth.

Peridontal Dentistry

Treating the soft tissues of the mouth.

Conservative Dentistry

Tooth restoration.

Paediatric Dentistry

Calm relaxed dentistry on children.

Endodontic Dentistry

Root Canal Treatment

Implant Dentistry

Replacement of missing teeth with an implant supported crown.

Prosthodontic Dentistry

Crowns, bridges and veneers

Maxillofacial Dentistry

Dentistry of the hard tissues.

Laser Dentistry

The acronym L.A.S.E.R stands for. Light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Creating that “perfect” smile you always wanted.